Water- & fat-soluble

Vitamins are vital vegetable or animal substances that have no nutritional energy value (such as carbohydrates, fats and proteins ), but their presence is necessary for the maintenance of all life processes. Divided they are on their solubility in and water-soluble vitamins (vitamins of the B group , vitamin C and biotin) and in fat-soluble vitamins. (vitamin A, D , E, K).

Vitamins exert their various effects in close interaction with enzymes, coenzymes and hormones. Vitamins can not be formed by the human body itself (except for the vitamin D, through sunlight). So the organism is dependent on their supply from food. Insufficient vitamin intake can lead to certain deficiencies, such as vitamin deficiency diseases.

In addition, vitamins also do have a nutritional or physiological effect , which is exploited for the prevention or optimal living.

New findings regarding which need is optimal for people, have in recent years lead scientists prompting to more and higher demand values.
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